When it comes to software, and cyber software especially, there is no shortage of myths and grey areas surrounding the finer details of how it all works.
Many of these myths are born out of misinterpretations and misconceptions of what is often, complicated and overly technical descriptions of what the software does, how it works and how it is created.
As a result, we decided it was time to bust a few of these myths to help you get a better understanding of software in general, so let’s get going…
Myth 1: building software is entirely predictable.
Actually, this isn’t the case, there are lots of factors that create uncertainty and therefore unpredictability when it comes to developing software. Changes in technology, scope creep and the market itself can all have an impact.
Myth2: adding or changing things at any point just isn’t a big deal.
Wrong. Changes to software should always be handled as a big deal because they can affect the end users, the whole architecture of the software and negatively affect deadlines and budget.
Myth 3: once the software is released the work is over.
This isn’t the case because there are always software updates to consider as well as business and technological changes that may need to be accommodated within the software itself.
Myth 4: I don’t need security software because I don’t access unsafe locations online.
While you may think common sense is enough to avoid falling victim to things like malware, phishing, identity theft and all the rest. However, not all dangers online are visible changes and as hackers get more sophisticated, this is only going to continue.
Myth 5: Anti-virus and anti-malware software keeps your company completely safe.
It’s certainly important to invest in anti-virus software in order to help keep your business safe, but sadly it isn’t the be-all and end-all of staying safe online, It’s also worthwhile to invest in training and education, disaster recovery planning and other related services, to ensure you have a truly comprehensive cyber security solution.
And there you have it, five of the most common myths about software out there today. If you are interested in what cyber software could do to protect your business, then chat to one of our experts today.
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