2021 IT trends your business should be thinking about

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By Dynamic Networks
Posted 13/01/2021

Here are our top IT trends and predictions your business should be thinking about now to prepare for 2021.

Distributed Cloud for remote working

2020 brought with it all sorts of business challenges however, one core technological challenge which became apparent during lockdown is data storage. With a large percentage of the country working from home, the need to access data remotely and by multiple parties became vital.

According to Gartner, the world public cloud services market is forecasted to have grown by 6.3% this year. This is a big trend we are expecting to see continue into 2021 and beyond with more companies becoming more flexible with remote working the demand for data storage is only set to get bigger.

The evolution of AI

Through our ever-evolving digital world, AI has become a bigger part of our life, than we could have imagined. It is used in a variety of sectors and products already, from hospitals and schools to household appliances and cars.

We may still be a few years away from building AI smart enough to potentially overthrow us, however, there are other concerns and preparations companies need to think about if they are considering using AI. 

Hyper automation – a modern concept for a modern workplace

In these modern, tech lead times we are often quite impatient, we want everything to happen instantly. We have had automation in many of our systems for quite a few years now, but the idea of hyper automation is a reasonably new concept. This is something which is sure to become bigger in 2021 as an IT trend.

The idea of hyper-automation is exactly what you imagine it to be. It is the concept that everything within a company or office could be automated, should it be. In a world where time is precious and often expensive, the ability to automate where and whenever possible not only saves money but it increases speed and efficiency for multiple processes.

So there you have it, those are our top 2021 IT trends which businesses need to know about before the new year arrives. Many are continuations from this year but are likely to be more prominent in 2021.

For more information on our 2021 IT trends or advice on how to be prepared for this year, contact our team.