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Cyber Essentials

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The government is backing a scheme to help organisations protect themselves against security threats and be recognised for the work they are doing to combat cyber crime.

Developed as part of the UK’s National Cyber Security Programme in conjunction with business, the Cyber Essentials scheme is aimed at UK businesses of all sizes. It provides support with cyber security good practice and help with protection against common cyber threats

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How strong is your strategy?

You don’t have to look far to see high profile examples of the damage that a security breach can have on an organisation. A weak IT security strategy is the surest way to succumb to a security breach, with consequences including loss of productivity and/or revenue, not to mention data corruption and loss. If you haven’t already got a robust IT security strategy in place, now’s the time to take action. 

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Here for you

There are many good reasons why IT security should be top of the priority list for every organisation. Malware, viruses, phishing – the list of security risks threatening businesses today is endless, and continues to grow daily as hackers develop ever more sophisticated techniques for compromising IT infrastructures. Our team is here to help you in your fight against cyber crime – talk to us to find out how we can help you.

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